Invitation letter Dear Sir or Madam, We're pelased to invite Mr XXX (Passort Number:K2656568 Expiry Date:16 day March month 2018 year) to visit supplier in China from 10 day July month 2017 year to 20 day July 2017 year fro business cooperation. Mr xxx's personal information is as follow: Name as in Passport: xxx Job title: CEO Passport #: K2656568 Date of issue: 护照签发日期 Date of expire: 护照有效期 we here with kindly request the China Embassy and the Government officials to support this application by granting the required on-enter visa. We look forward to welcome Mr XXX in China. Thank you very much! Very truly yours; Name:XXX Job title: PRESIDENT Company name: xxx Co.,Ltd (then signature and chop)