几乎所有的外贸人都会遇到的问题,客户跟进了大半个月,对产品很满意,但是报价后总是迟迟不下订单,或者压根不回复,怎么办? 今天就为大家分享常用的几种逼单方法,供大家学习参考。
一、自我反思法 1.我们要思考客户不下单的原因,是否是因为自己哪里没有做到位?比如催单时,客户回复最近很忙或者没回复,可以询问: Are you busy for other projects? Does that mean our project will be delayed? 你最近在忙其他的项目吗?那我们的项目是不是要延迟? 2.得到确切答案后,可以再度询问: When do you expect to end the project you are currently working on? I will continue to discuss with you at that time. 你最近手头上的项目大概什么时候可以结束呢?我到时候再继续跟你讨论。 3.得到回复后,再确定下次跟进时间: Thank you for your information, I will send you a project details via email, and call you tomorrow to discuss. 感谢您的回复,我会把项目细节通过email发给你,明天会给你打电话来详聊。
二、客户分析法 分析客户心理,进行换位思考,尝试去理解客户在想什么,有什么顾虑?什么样的解决方案才能消除他的顾虑? 比如觉得价格高可以告知: You may have heard that our price is higher than our competitors, but our customers give us the highest evaluation in terms of quality and service. They found that these things are more important to them than the upfront price. Because in the long run, it means less maintenance risk and higher productivity. 你可能听说过我们的价格比竞争对手要高,但是我们的客户在质量和服务方面给了我们最高的评价。他们发现这些东西对他们来说比预付价格更重要。因为从长远来看,这意味着更少的维护风险和更高的生产率。
三、附加值法 我们可以尝试为客户解决问题,帮助他们解决一些事情。能解决的积极去解决,解决不了的就避重就轻,将问题淡化。 如果样品发送给客户签收后,可以发送邮件: Notice that you received the XXX product package. May l know when you plan to do the test? If you encounter any problems during the test, please let us know as soon as possible and we will solve them for you, thank you. 我看到您已经收到了XX产品的包裹了。方便告知什么时候开始试用样品吗?如果您在试用期间遇到任何问题,请随时联系我,我们会为您及时解决,感谢。
四、价格有效期法 在报价的时候,注明报价的有效期,这样不仅对我们的价格是一种保护,也是我们可以去逼单的理由。比如我们说报价有效期快到了,超过这个期限就要涨价了。 The validity period of the previous offer is about to expire, and the price of raw materials is likely to rise. Shall we continue to talk about the previous order? 之前的报价有效期快到了,原材料很有可能会涨价,我们要不要继续聊一下之前的订单?
五、耽误货期提示法 如果遇到了中国春节、国庆节等节日,我们可以: Dear xxx, It's been a pleasure for us to cooperate with you. As the Chinese National Holiday is approaching, the freight charge is highly likely to go up after the holidays. So it would be good to confirm the order as soon as possible so that all the goods can be delivered as scheduled. Could you please kindly send the final order confirmation? Thank you and look forward to hearing from you! Best regards xxx 尊敬的xxx: 我们很高兴与您合作。中国国庆节即将到来,假期过后运费很可能会上涨,鉴于此,希望您能尽快确认订单,以便所有货物能如期交付。请您发送最终订单确认书,好吗?谢谢,期待您的回复! 顺致敬意 XXX公司
六、运费不稳定法 转达货代的通知信息给客户,告知运费要涨价了,如果要下单的话需要抓紧。 According to our freight forwarding, the shipping fee will increase next month. You need to confirm your order as soon as possible. 根据我们货运代理所说,运费下周将要上涨了。你最好尽快确认你的订单。
总而言之,我们不要害怕把订单给逼死,慢慢去聊,去锻炼自己谈客户的节奏,逐渐找到适合逼单的方式。 这个过程也是我们学习和提高的机会,我们可以加强自身的软实力和综合实力,丰富我们的实战经验和谈判能力,以助于我们之后处理任何情况时都可以游刃有余。